ReiStar Cosplay

⭐ Cosplayer ⭐ ENVtuber ⭐ Seamstress/Designer ⭐ Model/Rigger ⭐My name is ReiStar, both a Cosplay and a Vtuber.
Feel free to check out all tabs to know more about me both as a creative person and a content creator!
Twitch is my main streaming platform and twitter is where most of my streaming updates are posted. Check out my instagram for projects of all kinds ranging from cosplay, designs, sewing, crafts, and vtubing.
Social Media: @ReiStarCosplay

⭐ About Me ⭐

ReiStar started in the cosplay scene in 2007, her grandmother making her very first cosplay (Kairi from Kingdom Hearts 2). Inspired by her grandmother's skills, she began sewing around that same year. Since then she has gone to college and graduated with an AA Degree in Fashion/Costume Design and worked within the Production of Costumes for Film & Television as not only a freelance seamstress but also a Project Manager and administrative work for certain television shows.ReiStar has continued to sew her own cosplays and since graduating college has won numerous awards ranging from Honorable Mentions to Best in Show. Even one of her own "geek inspired" designs (Howl's Moving Castle black feathered dress) became one of the finalists chosen for Her Universe Fashion Show 2016.Upon discovering Vtubing early 2022, ReiStar had found the missing piece to finally try streaming and content creating. She debuted December 17th, 2022 on Twitch with her own model that she designed, drew, and rigged all herself using only YouTube tutorials as her means of help. Since then ReiStar has continued to love and enjoy streaming while sharing her passion as a creative person, encouraging others to never hesitate to try things out and share their own passion and creativity.

⭐ Vtuber ⭐

Spirit Guardian Seamstress who oversees the String of Fate

The Lore
ReiStar is 1 of many spirit guardians and their duty is to guide those whose strings connect with them. Depending on which finger, it can determined what form of guidance is needed. Once the guiding is completed, the string will be cut using whatever the spirit guardian uses. For ReiStar, she uses the embroidery scissors around her neck. Strings that aren't ready to be guided or need time will remove themselves and will either return to the same guardian at a later time or a new guardian will guide them.
But how did ReiStar came to be a spirit guardian? All will be revealed... in time.

The Design
Believe it or not, almost every single part of the model's design has a meaning behind it, whether it was based off of a moment in ReiStar's life or relates to the hobby of sewing/crafting itself.
Dress is based off the blue dress form she actually owns, the stripes representing tailors tape which is used often in sewing.
Hair is based off of an actual wig she used for a Maid Cafe during her college years, a "lolita styled wig" that showed up completely different than advertised.


Larger references available on twitter (@reistarcosplay)

Other Models

⭐ Credit ⭐

🧵Logo by: Jenny Ground Design
Main + Gremlin Models
🧵Model Design by: ReiStarCosplay
🧵Model Art by: ReiStarCosplay
🧵Model Rigging by: ReiStarCosplay
🧵Sewing Room Background by: ReiStarCosplay
🧵Starting/Ending Art by: ReiStarCosplay
🧵Emotes by: LilyKree8er

⭐ F.A.Q. ⭐

🧵Do you actually sew?
Yes, I do! I've been sewing since 2007, have an AA Degree in Fashion/Costume Design and worked in Production of Costumes for Film & Television. Not to mention, I make every cosplay I have ever worn and a few other things! "Seamstress" is not just a theme for my vtuber, surprise!
🧵Who did all of your model work?
I did! I not only designed my model, but I also drew and rigged it all myself. Youtube is a wonderful tool with so many tutorials.
🧵 Do you make everything for your model and streams?
Usually yes! I have made a good portion of everything except for a lot of the emotes and the scene transition (can purchase on Etsy). Any time I haven't made something I ALWAYS give credit so check out my credits page to support the hard work of others!
🧵Do you take model commissions?
I do but VERY limited amount as I am still very new and slow at it. Currently I take commissions from people I know or referrals from friends due to how new I am still. When I do open model commissions to the public, I will be sure to post about it!
🧵You show your face? MY IMMERSION!
Yep! Although I do streaming and soon some content where I am mostly my vtuber, I still am active in the cosplay community. Prefer a vtuber who doesn't break immersion? There are other wonderful creators out there who may be better suited for you.
🧵Do you still cosplay?
I do! Still pretty active so you will see a lot of updates or even streams of me working on costumes.
🧵Do you take cosplay commissions?
Unfortunately, no I do not. I wish to use a lot of my time for smaller commissions but also more for myself as I have yet to accomplish everything on my dream list. Plus I sew as part of my job already. Can't wear out my hands too early!
🧵What do you stream?
A variety of games that can be played on a console (I currently use a MAC computer for streaming). And of course any crafting/sewing that I'm wishing to share or projects I'm currently working on! It's a great mix of games and creative stuff!
🧵Fanart - Can I draw you? What rules do you have for Fanart?
By all means, draw away! You are welcome to use #ReiStarArts or tag me directly on twitter.
If you ever have any questions feel free to ask!
You can draw me in different hairstyles, outfits, whatever! The only thing that really stays at all times is usually the red string on my pinky and the scissors pendant.